Today we are handing in a 5000 word draft for the written part of our critical journals that we have to complete during the final degree year. We also have to complete a 20 minute presentation. The critical journal focuses on your own work and you can write about any issue you want as long as it involves your own and other people's work.
The aim of my critical journal is to explore, in depth, the journey from an initial idea through design and advertising into a fully focused marketing strategy. This will centre around an industry set brief that will also be used as a college project. The contrast between education’s idea of creativity being everything and the politics of industry will be interesting to see. This will be done in relation to the self initiated project myself and my creative partner are currently working on. We were given a choice of eight projects, with one being self set, and I decided along with my partner to take the opportunity to contact a leading advertising agency with the proposal of us using a live brief set by them to be used in conjunction with the briefs set by college. This will help us as it is well known that experience is vital within this industry.
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