Fake ID consist of 2 people named Joshua Trees and Ivan Martinez. They met in San Francisco a number of years ago after Ivan had achieved a Masters in Mathematics but wanted to do something related to design. Joshua was already based in the area of Graphic design and Fine Art. Yesterday we worked on a project that involved making sound and dialogue from what we make of a single image. The theory behind this was LISTEN but spelt in 4 letters as LSTN. This stands for Language, Sound, Text and Noise. Today we were given a lecture about this which was very different to what I have experienced in any other lecture. There was lots of sounds and voices played. Accents and tones of voice were shown to work as tags and identities so you can tell what type of people they are from sound. They spoke about the idea of tagging which gangs often use to mark their territory in the form of graffiti etc. If one gangs tag is written over by another it is seen as a challenge to a confrontation. My favourite bit of the talk was when they played the cheesy tunes followed by the computerized message 'please hold we know you are waiting'. It is something that all call companies seem to do even though its very annoying and patronising.
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