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Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Portfolio Visit - The Driven Agency

Upon recommendation from BJL, I decided to get in touch with Driven. Driven are primarily an advertising agency, although they deal with aspects of design and multimedia. Their simple idea is simple: to create ideas that sell. As my critical journal was about this subject I was even more interested in what they do. The company was created by 4 people who used to work at TBWA so they are obviously very good at what they wanted to do. They did not like the way the agency world was going and decided to form their own agency.

We were able to meet the creative partner and the person he works with as a team. This was beneficial to us as we had two different perspectives and opinions on our work. We arrived to meet at half nine and sat in the waiting room and had a drink. There was a folder on the table of all the stories about Driven in articles on the web. This made for interesting reading as it talked about new accounts, rumours and transfers. It was almost like reading the back pages of a newspaper. I had never thought that rumours and gossip went on around the creative industry but i do now. There was also a number of 'The Drum' magazines which featured Driven in them. Once it was time for our meeting we walked through the agency, which was surprisingly spacious and full of staff considering they had only been set up a couple of years. The actual agency is in a great looking building in Wilmslow and overlooks the Aston Martin garage. I really like the way it is away from the town centre and in a nice upmarket place. It is still in the town centre so you can do things in your spare time but it takes away the hassle of working in Manchester. This was a deliberate thought when Driven was created.

We then sat down in an office that had just been used for a briefing and spoke a little about our course and what we have been working on. We mentioned our Final Major Projects and awards work. It was then when we looked through our portfolio. Pleasingly, they liked our branding for London F1 and Great British Blood Drive. This shows they aren't just into advertising and appreciate how ideas can work well in other ways. We were told to possibly include our final ideas and production of the 'A Thousand Words' promotion. They liked the animation and enquired about how we had done it all which is a good thing and they appreciated the diversity of our work. This is something that I found very positive in the meeting as other ad agencies have just wanted ads. In this case the ideas were key and it didn't matter how they came through. The pieces they liked the most were Berghaus and the BBC pitch win. They were impressed by us winning the YCN award and by the way we have done pricing, design and application for the BBC moving packs idea. They also praised our workrate as we had done a lot of work which is now starting to show in our ideas. This goes to show there is no substitute for hard work.

Of course it can't all be good news, some pointers we had were to put a couple of 'core' ideas in there and work around them. This can be in the form of drawn sketches or digital but doesn't have to be to a finished standard. Some people are of the opinion that we should put more sketches in our book but as we are from a Graphic Design background we tend to go to the finished piece anyway so it comes naturally to us to only put this work in. Some advice was that we could tailor certain ideas for different agencies that we go to see and to show a few less pieces as it can sometimes be time consuming. This advice was constructive and we plan to use it to make our redesigned portfolio much stronger for our Final Show.

After going through our portfolio they asked if we wanted a placement. This initially took us by surprise as we had only gone in to show our book and wasn't expecting anything like that. However, we confirmed our interest and said we would check dates to see if we could come in over Easter. We then had to leave the building due to a Fire Drill! It was good timing though as we had just finished our meeting and we returned to college. We then checked our term timetable and we will be involved in a 2 week placement starting on the 28th of March.

You can see Driven's website here:

1 minute Brief - Design a logo for a bricklaying company called brick by brick.

1 minute Brief - To advertise Nicola Foster's design agency

1 Minute Brief

A 1 minute brief to design a logo for an upmarket shelving company.

Canned Laughter

I hate Canned Laughter!

Sunday, 7 February 2010


Random post. Instantly recognisable and only using type yet can trigger emotions within messages.

Thursday, 4 February 2010

BJL Portfolio Visit

Last night myself and James went in for a portfolio visit at BJL. As with TBWA, we went in as a creative team. Therefore, we decided to create a team portfolio. As we have collaborated on a number of projects this was quite easy. We also included a few projects we produced on our own for the same brief to show diversity in our ideas. It also means we aren't having to waste time and show two portfolios. The editing down of what we show is hard but it provides a strong portfolio.

At BJL we initially talked about what we had been working on recently and about our Final Major Projects. They were particularly interested in the BBC work. Although it's not an advertising project as such, they said to definitely keep in contact with them as they are hard to get in touch with usually. Hopefully this will help us in the future. Again, as with TBWA, they thought our graphic design background had come to the forefront once again. This was not seen as a bad thing but he would liked to have seen more development work in our book. We have been advised to include this for future visits to ad agencies as it will show our enthusiasm for the world of advertising. At the moment the book is working as an ideas based design book rather than an advertising book even though there are a number of ads in the book.

Aside from this issue they really liked our branding for Blood Drive and London F1. Our work for Berghaus he said could have won professional awards rather than student awards which is quite a compliment. He thought our innocent ideas were great and we were told to produce these and put them online. To get these opinions is great and gives us the confidence to improve our ideas.

Thoughtful Portfolio Visit

Last week myself and my classmate James visited Thoughtful with our portfolios. We went up to their office and initially started off by talking about our course, what we have been doing and what we are looking to do at the end of the course. We spoke about the agencies we had seen in New York and the way they do things differently to the UK. The subject of collaboration also came up which they feel is beneficial as a combined idea can be a lot better than an idea produced on your own.

After our chat we moved onto showing our portfolios, James went first and we spoke about the work that was standing out which included Ministry of Sound, Berghaus and Hot Photography. This proved that collaboration was working as all of them projects we worked together on. The BBC work we are currently working on was a key point of the discussion where we explained how we won the pitch for the work and are now involved in producing the moving information packs for MediaCity. Something that Thoughtful weren't sure about was that I had books of typography and experimental work in my portfolio. They feel that putting 1st year work in is a backward step as it doesn't represent my style and current work. This is something to consider, although other agencies seem to really like seeing this work.

We spoke about the QR codes they had created for the Tate and Chris showed us this in action from his iphone. I haven't seen this in action but it is clever stuff and works well within the concept. With my portfolio we spoke about the Blood Drive logo working well as well as the innocent ideas. It was also advised to send these in as ideas and try and get them into the real world.

Finally, Thoughtful think we should consider setting up our own business when we leave as we are already running small businesses and could build this up as they said they, in effect, started from scratch. Rather than building up to a high position within a company. Why not start a company? This is a definite possibility for the future.